Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hydrangea Wreath - Progress to Date

I started this project on Thanksgiving Day and then put it on hold until I finish my niece's Christmas present.  This represents two weeks of stitching for me.  I don't feel bad about it as I work full-time.  My plan is to use this as an insert for a tea tray.  I've already got the tea tray and can't wait to see it finished!  My goal for completion is 12 stitching weeks.


  1. Lovely work! I wish I had the patience for stichery!

  2. This is impressive for only two weeks of stitching! I work full time too but I don't think I could stitch that much in two weeks ~ wow!

  3. Thanks, Daffycat. It's an easy chart, so I find that I start stitching and just keep on going!
