Well I've finally taken pictures of the wall hanging I created for my niece's Christmas present. The first picture is the stitching itself. It was supposed to be 4 separate pieces that I decided to use together as a wall hanging. The kits actually included small glass bead that should have been added to create a sparkly effect. However, I stitched this on a set of scroll bars and I wouldn't have been able to keep the needed tension on the piece without smashing the beads when I scrolled from section to section. I am going to do these again for myself and I think I'll stitch it on a set of stretcher bars so that I can do the beading before I pull it off to frame.
These last two pictures are the finished piece. I used a really pretty paisley fabric for the backing that I then stitched over the front to add a bit of color. I got the hanger from a UK company. The manufacturer is Rico Designs and I couldn't find it anywhere here in the US. I adore the light-weight quality of the hanger. It seemed perfect for a little girl's room. I'll keep their company in mind for any future wall hangings I stitch.
Up next is an update of my progress on the Hydrangea Wreath project.
LOVE this piece!